47 HIV Statistics & Facts to Save More Lives in 2024
You probably think you know all about HIV and AIDS. After all, you must’ve seen at least a dozen movies on the subject. But, don’t be so sure. There are still many HIV statistics that could surprise and shock you.
HIV is a virus that attacks the cells that help the body fight infections, making the person more vulnerable to other conditions and diseases.
In the past, an HIV diagnosis was like a death sentence. Today, there is still no cure for the virus, but the condition is treatable through the use of medication.
Top Ten HIV Statistics for 2022 to Remember
- 38 million people across the world live with HIV.
- About 1.8 million children under the age of 14 are living with HIV.
- The number of new infections increased by 72% in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
- The number of HIV infections worldwide has declined by 23% in the last ten years.
- 1.2 million people are living with HIV in the USA.
- 62% of new HIV infections worldwide were among key populations.
- 690,000 people worldwide died from AIDS in 2019
- Almost 75.7 million people have been infected with the virus since the start of the HIV epidemic.
- 44.9% of adolescents were not aware of being infected by HIV.
- Almost 99% of HIV infections can be prevented through consistent use of PrEP.
Want to fact-check your knowledge of HIV? Or learn some truly astonishing information about the virus? Then, go over these fascinating facts we have prepared for you.
How Common Is HIV in 2021/2022?
The human immunodeficiency virus, or commonly known as HIV, is a dangerous virus that can cause AIDS if not treated. Judging by the numbers, the prevalence of this virus is not something that should be taken lightly.
1. 38 million people across the world live with HIV.
In other words, global HIV statistics from 2019 show us 36.2 million adults and 1.8 million children (0–14) are diagnosed with HIV. 81% of the ill were aware of the disease they carry.
2. 1.7 million people became infected with HIV in 2019.
New HIV infections, or HIV incidence, is a term used to represent the number of people who were infected with the virus during a year. This is not the same as being diagnosed with HIV. HIV statistics tell us that many people might have the virus without being aware of their status.
3. The Southern and Eastern African region has the highest prevalence of HIV — 20.7 million people live with the disease.
The figure refers to both adults and children. In 2018 about 800,000 people got infected with this dangerous virus, as specified by HIV statistics from 2019.
4. About 1.8 million children under the age of 14 are living with HIV.
(UNAIDS) (HIVinfo)
HIV could be transmitted to children through contact with infected blood, although this is very rare nowadays. More commonly, women pass on the virus to their baby during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding.
5. Only 67% of HIV-infected patients from South and East Africa received ART therapy.
HIV/AIDS in Africa facts show us that about 81% of people infected by HIV knew about their status, while 67% went under antiretroviral therapy (ART). Furthermore, 59% of people managed to repress the virus’s spreading, and roughly 30 million teenage boys and men from South and East Africa obtained VMMC services (voluntary medical male circumcision).
6. The number of new infections has increased by 72% in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
Although HIV incidence has declined in many countries, there are several regions where an increase in rates is noted. For instance, the number of HIV-infected people has increased by 22% in the Middle East and North Africa, HIV transmission statistics reveal, and by 21% in Latin America since 2010.
7. The number of HIV infections worldwide has declined by 23% in the last ten years.
The number of people getting infected with HIV worldwide dropped from 2.1 million HIV+ individuals to 1.7 million between 2010 and 2019. During that same period, HIV prevalence among children declined by 52%.
What About the HIV Statistics in the USA?
How many Americans are infected with this virus, and which state has the highest number of new cases?
8. 1.2 million people are living with HIV in the USA.
Of this number, one in seven, or approximately 14% of the USA’s HIV+ population, are not aware they had been infected with the virus.
9. 51% of the new HIV diagnoses were reported in the South.
(CDC) (HIV.gov)
Moreover, the South leads with the HIV-related death rates by 47%, followed by 22% of deaths in the Northeast, 17% in the West, and 12% in the Midwest.
10. HIV statistics by state reveal Florida is the US state with the highest number of new HIV cases.
According to stats, 4,683 people, both adults and adolescents, were diagnosed with the virus, making it the state with the highest number of new HIV cases.
11. Texas is ranked 2nd in terms of HIV diagnoses.
In 2018, 4,483 Texas residents were diagnosed with HIV. California is ranked third with around 4,398 new HIV cases. The high figures finally reduce with Georgia in the 4th place — 2552 cases.
12. HIV statistics from 2020 recognize Baton Rouge as the leading city in the US regarding the highest HIV rates.
(The Miami Times)
In accordance with the most recent figures, Baton Rouge (Louisiana) is the city with the highest HIV rates in America. Shared needles are the main source of infection as the city struggles with opioid abuse. Miami, Florida, is in second place, while the third-place belongs to New Orleans, Louisiana. Other cities in the top ten list in descending order are Jackson (Mississippi), Orlando (Florida), Memphis (Tennessee), Atlanta (Georgia), Columbia (South Carolina), Jacksonville (Florida), and Baltimore (Maryland).
13. $85 billion makes the US government the highest investor in global HIV/AIDS response.
The US government has provided over $85 billion as a response to AIDS through PEPFAR (President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief), which was the largest donation in history for a single disease in history.
On the national level, the US government approves $28 billion every year to help fight AIDS.
HIV Statistics on the Riskiest Population
Some groups have a higher risk of getting infected by the HIV virus.
14. 85% of pregnant women with HIV received ART therapy to prevent transmission to their babies and to improve their own health.
If these services were to stop for 6 months, the rates in new cases of children infected with HIV would go up by a shocking 162% in Malawi, followed by 139% in Uganda, and 106% in Zimbabwe.
15. HIV and coronavirus studies show HIV-positive people have a higher risk of dying from COVID-19.
Also, the risk might be somewhat higher if the patient suffered from high blood sugar and obesity as well. Black people with HIV have nearly four times bigger chances of dying from coronavirus compared to Black people without the virus.
16. Young women are twice as likely to have HIV compared to men.
Global HIV statistics imply that approximately 5,500 girls aged from 15 to 24 are infected with HIV on a weekly basis. Actually, data on AIDS in Africa shows that young girls in sub-Saharan Africa (15 to 19 years old) make 5 in 6 new HIV infections in that region.
17. 62% of new HIV infections worldwide were among key populations.
Key populations include sex workers, men who have sex with other men, people who inject drugs, transgender people, and their partners. Furthermore, HIV/AIDS facts state that in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa, key populations and their sexual partners made up 97% of all new HIV infections.
18. Gay and bisexual men make 69% of new HIV cases in the US.
(CDC) (Nidirect)
Center for Disease Control HIV statistics reveals that 24% of new HIV-positive individuals were infected through heterosexual sex, while 7% got the virus through injection drug use. One of the most common misconceptions is that only gay people can get HIV. In fact, anyone who has intercourse without a condom or shares needles can become infected with HIV.
19. African Americans make 42% of new HIV cases in the US.
According to HIV statistics by race, 42% of HIV-positive US adults and teens are African American, whereas Hispanic/Latinos accounted for 27% of new HIV cases. The white population makes up 25.2% of the cases.
20. Sex workers are 30 times more at risk of getting infected by HIV.
Gay men are 26 times more likely to get infected with HIV, while transgender people are 13 times more at risk of getting the virus. People injecting drugs have 29 times higher chances too.
HIV and AIDS Facts & History
What are the most common symptoms of HIV, how many types does it have, and how can it develop into AIDS?
21. Initial symptoms of HIV are similar to the flu.
The first symptoms usually appear two to four weeks after being infected with the virus. Nevertheless, it can take up to twelve weeks before enough signs show up in tests for the condition to be diagnosed.
22. Little known HIV fun facts reveal there are two main types of HIV virus.
(Medical News Today)
HIV-1 is the most common type of HIV and accounts for 95% of all HIV infections globally. HIV-2 is mostly found in West Africa, although it is also starting to appear in the USA, Europe, and India. Both types of HIV are lifelong conditions but manageable through therapy.
23. HIV infections happen in 3 stages.
According to facts about HIV and AIDS, these are acute HIV infection, chronic HIV infection, and stage 3 — acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS.
24. If untreated, HIV will develop into AIDS in 10 to 15 years.
Although it varies from person to person, WHO HIV statistics prove that people with HIV who do not receive treatment will show signs of HIV-related diseases 10 to 15 years, or even sooner (5 to 10 years). The HIV-positive that don’t experience any symptoms after 15 years of getting infected are extremely rare.
25. Almost 75.7 million people have been infected with the virus since the start of the HIV epidemic.
(amfAR) (HIV.gov)
Since the official start of the AIDS crisis on June 5, 1981, 32.7 million people lost their lives due to AIDS-related complications.
26. The number of HIV infections was the highest in 1998.
Since then, a drop of 40% has been noted in the number of new recorded HIV cases.
8 HIV Statistics on Awareness & Treatment
Whereas most people are aware of their HIV infection, not all of them get access to proper treatment.
27. 81% of people who have HIV are aware of their status.
On the other hand, there are still 19% of people who need to use HIV testing services.
28. 44.9% of adolescents were not aware of being infected by HIV.
Judging from HIV stats USA report, almost half of adolescents between the ages of 13 to 24 didn’t have any previous knowledge they had been infected with HIV. Hence, they make the largest group.
29. 44% of US adults have been tested for HIV.
Raised awareness about the symptoms and transmission of this condition has greatly contributed to reducing how many people in the USA live with HIV. Today, HIV education is obligatory in 34 states in the USA and Washington, D.C.
30. Encouraging facts about HIV state 56% of HIV patients in the US achieved viral suppression.
It is shown that in the US, 65% of people got HIV treatment, while 50% of them received continuous HIV care.
31. Only 53% of children infected with HIV have access to treatment.
(amfAR) (UNAIDS)
Compared to 67% of adults who had access to treatment. In other words, HIV statistics suggest that about 850,000 infected children are not getting the treatment that could potentially save their lives. In addition to that, over half of the children (5-14 years old) are from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, and South Africa.
32. The number of children accessing treatment more than doubled since 2010.
On a positive note, around 950,000 children living with the virus accessed HIV and AIDS treatment. for their condition in 2019.
33. Approximately 73% of adult women living with HIV get treatment.
More women than men have access to HIV treatment. It is estimated that only 61% of men 15 years and older had access, which is 12% less than women, HIV and AIDS statistics report.
34. Almost 99% of HIV infections can be prevented through consistent use of PrEP.
PrEP is short for pre-exposure prophylaxis. Its continuous use is shown to reduce the risk of HIV transmission rates by 74% through injection drug use and 99% through sex. In a nutshell, it’s taking HIV medicine prior to risky situations. Daily use is most recommendable for people at risk.
CBD, Cannabis, and HIV
How can cannabis help with HIV treatment and how safe is it?
35. Since the early 90s, active ingredients of cannabis have been used as a treatment for HIV complications.
(Verywell Health)
Cannabis users report significant improvements both in alleviating some of the symptoms of HIV and complications arising from the virus, HIV and AIDS facts state, as well as offering relief from the side effects of ART therapy.
36. Cannabis could help with HIV wasting syndrome.
(Verywell Health) (Veriheal)
HIV wasting syndrome is characterized by severe weight loss among people living with the virus. Despite the use of ART therapy, the prevalence of this syndrome still affects 37% of people with the disease, HIV statistics suggest. One of the benefits of marijuana is a considerable improvement in this condition.
37. Cannabis may reduce the rates of cognitive impairment in HIV patients.
According to one study, the rates of neurocognitive impairment were higher in people with HIV that didn’t use cannabis products compared to HIV patients that were cannabis users who had lower neurocognitive impairment rates. Even though there are still more HIV statistics and studies to be conducted, it seems that CBD can be beneficial for HIV patients if its doses, frequencies of use, and compounds are right.
38. Some HIV patients use CBD to ease the symptoms of the virus: appetite and weight loss, and nerve pain.
Since smoking is not always recommendable, CBD can be used in other forms, from edibles to CBD oils. Yet again, more research on its risks and benefits is needed.
How Many People Die from HIV/AIDS?
The mortality rates differ across the world, as well as age groups.
39. According to HIV statistics worldwide, 95,000 children under 15 died from AIDS-related complications in 2019.
(amfAR) (UNICEF)
Children under 15 years make 5% of all HIV cases and 14% of all AIDS deaths. On that note, 1-year-olds belong to the most vulnerable group.
40. 690,000 people worldwide died from AIDS in 2019.
However, the number of the overall AIDS-related death rates has decreased by 60% since its climax in 2004, i.e., by 39% since 2010.
41. 15,820 people diagnosed with HIV died in the US, according to the most recent CDC HIV statistics.
15,820 Americans, adults, and adolescents diagnosed with HIV lost their battle in 2018. In fact, over 675,000 Americans have died from HIV and AIDS complications since the start of the pandemic in 1981.
42. South Africa is the country with the highest number of AIDS-related deaths.
With 72,000 deaths, South Africa recorded the highest AIDS-related mortality rates, HIV/AIDS statistics suggest. The next in line was Mozambique, with 51,000 deaths, and Nigeria with 45,000 deaths.
43. Tuberculosis is the number one cause of death for people with HIV.
It is estimated TB is responsible for 1 in 3 of all people dying from AIDS.
4 Biggest HIV Facts and Myths
There are many misconceptions regarding HIV and its spreading that people still believe in, but are absolutely false.
44. You can get HIV from kissing another person.
False. HIV can’t be transmitted through kissing, sneezing, hugging, sweating, crying, air, food, drink, toilet seats, animals, water, insect bites, etc. It can only be transmitted by blood, semen, breastmilk, vaginal fluids, and anal mucous.
45. Only gay people can get infected by HIV.
HIV interesting facts about sex reveal the lowest risk of getting infected is among women who sleep with other women. As for only gay people getting infected, that is yet another dangerous misconception about HIV. It can also be transmitted through heterosexual sex if one person is infected.
46. HIV + people can’t have children.
(Women’s Health)
HIV facts show us this is another myth. HIV does not necessarily affect one’s capability of becoming pregnant. Today there are various ways to reduce the risk of passing the virus to the child. The doctors often prescribe medications, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to help protect the baby from getting infected by HIV.
47. All HIV + patients will develop AIDS.
HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system, which can cause a syndrome of immune system deficiency, in other words, AIDS. That said, not all patients that get infected by HIV will automatically develop AIDS. It can be avoided if the disease is treated in its early stages.
To Sum Up
The latest facts about HIV deliver good news. Thanks to the US and international awareness campaigns, people are now more knowledgeable about the causes and symptoms of HIV. They also have more information about how it is transmitted and what needs to be done to prevent HIV infections. As a result, there is a decrease in how many people have HIV in the world every year.
However, this is still a major health threat and it is important to have all the facts and be as informed as possible.
How rare is HIV in Australia?
0.14% of the population has HIV, while about 29,045 Australians live with this disease, of which 91% are getting treatment. 59% of the overall HIV infections were linked to gay sex, and 23% to heterosexual sex. Next, 7% of infections occurred due to both sexual contact and drug use (by injection), while 3% occurred due to drug use by injection.
When it comes to ethnicity, the rates were higher among Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders.
How common is HIV in UK?
Approximately 105,200 Brits are living with HIV today (including 6,600 undiagnosed cases).
The UK also recorded a decline in the overall number of diagnoses among the risk groups, i.e. by 22% among gay and bisexual men. The numbers dropped by 25%, among people who were born in the UK, and by 22%, among young adults (aged 15-24). Next, it was reduced by 15% among Londoners, and by 6% regarding transmission between members of the opposite sex.
What percentage of the US has HIV?
About 1.2 million Americans are living with HIV. Florida is the state that has the highest number of newly diagnosed people, right beforeTexas and California.
However, most of the newly diagnosed cases come from the South, which also has the highest death rates, followed by Northeast, West, and Midwest. Based on HIV statistics, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is the city with the highest HIV rates.