What Is Hemp Oil, Is It 100% Legal & What Are Its Benefits?
What is hemp oil and why is it all the rage? At this very moment, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is doing all in their power to regulate the rules for producing and importing hemp as soon as possible. Time is money, and in this billion-dollar business, every minute is beyond precious. As a result, Canada has just got the green light for shipping hemp seed to their next-door neighbor. The US market is in dire need of hemp, and it needs it now since the benefits of hemp oil have finally been recognized.
Hemp oil is trending. It’s everywhere, and it’s here to stay. Thanks to its convenient qualities, it can be added to a wide range of products, from food and face creams to medicine. Due to its fantastic advantages, we can rightfully expect to see more of it in the future. Therefore, it’s high time you learn once and for all what hemp oil is. Here’s what you need to know.
What Is Hemp?
For starters, how about defining what hemp actually is before we move on to hemp oil uses.
Hemp (industrial hemp, or cannabis sativa) is a plant which looks very much like its cannabis cousin famous for its “high” performances. In other words, by the looks of it, and the fact they belong to the same family, hemp is oftentimes confused with marijuana.
The latter owes its popularity to high levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), a psychoactive substance. Nevertheless, even though hemp does belong to the cannabis species, it has the bare minimum of THC – a mere 0.3%, which is an insufficient amount to alter your perception.
Hemp has been used for centuries in all sorts of ways: for manufacturing fabric (clothes, sails, footwear), insulation and building material, paper, cords, and is often mixed with other materials to enhance their properties. Recently, hemp has (finally) been FDA-approved for the production of hemp CBD oil, which conveniently brings us to our next topic.
What Is the Difference Between CBD Oil and Hemp Oil?
Depending on how scrupulous you are, we have two possible answers for you:
- For starters, we could say the difference is huge. Nonetheless, this is only true if by hemp oil we think of the oil which is derived from hemp seeds exclusively (which contain neither CBD nor THC), usually hard-pressed, and full of healthy fatty acids necessary for our basic functions. This liquid is definitely not the talk of the day any more than olive or grapeseed oil. Besides, hemp seed oil is very much similar to pumpkin seed oil in some respects – due to its low smoke point, it’s best if it’s not heated, so it’s often used for salad dressings.
- There is no difference between CBD oil and hemp oil whatsoever. CBD oil is absolutely the same thing as hemp oil. As a matter of fact, you can find terms such as CBD hemp oil, hemp-derived CBD oil, and hemp CBD oil, all of them pointing out to the very same oil type.
Hemp oil in this sense refers to the oil extracted from the hemp plant, low in THC and high in CBD content. Furthermore, such oil is acquired not only from hemp seeds but from other parts of the plant as well, including stalk, flowers, leaves, and stem.
The main point of this hemp oil vs CBD oil section is to stress how the term “hemp oil” is used quite loosely, but there is hardly anything we can do about it. The term “hemp oil” is never used to illustrate CBD oil rich in THC, but what people mean by CBD oil is dubious.
By and large, hemp oil is understood as CBD oil extracted from hemp, and this is exactly and exclusively how we are going to use the term in the article from this point on. And if you want to know more about what is the difference between hemp oil and CBD oil, read our article which explains this in detail.
Hemp Oil Uses
What is hemp oil most used for? Well, how much time have you got on your hands? Jokes aside, there is a myriad of uses for it. Not only is it excellent for mixing with other substances to make CBD-infused drinks, creams, capsules, and edibles, but its high CBD content is very much researched for the positive effect it has on our health (physical and mental).
To this end, here is a list of hemp oil benefits (or CBD oil, if you prefer):
- Anti-oxidative – Excellent in the fight against free radicals, CBD oil has become popular with patients fighting neurological diseases. The oil has the potential to reduce the damage made by free radicals. Consequently, CBD anti-aging creams are increasing their presence on the market.
- Anti-inflammatory – This feature makes hemp oil very practical since inflammation processes are very common. Hemp oil benefits have been recognized even by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), which finally took it off its list, much to the joy of athletes worldwide.
- Pain reliever – Similarly to the previous point, pain can be a loyal companion to a number of conditions. What sets hemp oil for pain apart from other types of painkillers is the fact that it is not addictive nor does it have such negative effects on our body. Standard painkillers come at a high price. For example, they can impair the liver, kidneys, digestive system, and reduce our ability to react quickly.
- Anti-seizure – More and more studies are being done with the aim of establishing how to utilize hemp oil to our best advantage when battling with epilepsy. It is particularly comforting to see the benefits of hemp oil in research investigating seizures in little children.
- Anti-bacterial – Hemp oil has turned out to be precious in states when the most favored drugs appear helpless, e.g., when they are faced with treating antibiotic-resistant “superbugs”.
- Anti-cancerogenic – More extensive research on humans is still due in order to determine specifically how hemp oil can aid in preventing violent cell divisions in cancer patients. Nevertheless, the potentials are huge and the latest signing of the Farm Bill will eventually give them the green light.
- Relaxing – Contrary to the popular belief, CBD oil needn’t contain over 0.3% of THC so as to show anti-stress qualities. Hemp oil for anxiety has found its consumers easily due to the grind of everyday life and stressful challenges the modern human is facing, and Generation Z takes the lead in this respect.
So, what is hemp oil great for? More or less, almost anything you can think of, and the CBD industry is slowly becoming a real empire. Form skin care to pain relief in cancer patients, the combination of ingredients in CBD hemp oil seems to help a lot.
Hemp Oil Side Effects
There is hardly anything in this world without a single side effect, and hemp-derived CBD oil is no different. Fortunately, the benefits by far outweigh the downsides, but we have to mention some of them.
According to research performed by the World Health Organization, when subjects were given excessive amounts of CBD, the following adverse effects occurred in more than 10% of patients:
- Nausea
- Lack of appetite
- Fatigue
- Convulsion
- Diarrhea
- Somnolence (extreme drowsiness)
- Likeliness to interact with other drugs
As it was stated in the study, more research is needed to confirm the side effects of CBD. Moreover, the study is very much full of praise. However, do bear in mind one fact regardless of all the benefits of hemp oil or its alleged poor performance: every person is a unique organism, and you should always tread the CBD path carefully.
Dangers of Using Hemp CBD Oil
For the most part, the side effects are minor, so let’s discuss something that can have a serious impact on your health. The health hazard does come in the form of chemical compounds, but it is not necessarily the fault of hemp oil, so to say. The lurking danger is the poor control of CBD products.
As we have already mentioned, hemp oil has some amazing qualities in a way that it can be easily infused and mixed with a variety of materials. Therefore, a list of ingredients that can be added to it is rather long. On the one hand, it is excellent – we can use hemp CBD oil in a way that best suits us. On the other, though, there is loose control of the products – not enough research has been done to know all the short and long-term consequences, be they good or bad. A scientific paper from 2018 confirms there are discrepancies between the amounts and ingredients on the CBD product label and the actual state, which is rather worrying.
For this reason, always do meticulous personal research before you opt for what you believe to be the best hemp oil. The best one is from a reliable, legitimate supplier and it is supposed to suit you the most (this, however, is only up to you to determine personally through usage).
Is Hemp Oil Legal or Not?
Generally speaking, the answer is affirmative. Still, why do people then still have qualms about its usage and are getting arrested or their CBD oil shops closed down? Let us explain the matter further.
The year 2018 will forever be remembered in history as the year in which the Hemp Bill was passed, thus allowing completely legal production of CBD oil from hemp in all states. As a result, hemp cultivation is legal in all of the USA, and the species was finally removed from the DEA Schedule 1 list of drugs containing heroin, LSD, and the like. To emphasize the point one more time: is hemp oil legal in all 50 states? Yes, indeed it is.
Then, why is this one of the most asked questions?
If you remember what we have mentioned earlier, hemp oil is often referred to as CBD oil. Let us show you a classic example when buying some hemp oil. You have your heart set on CBD oil, and you look for such labels. Nevertheless, you may overlook the small print saying it was obtained from cannabis (marijuana), and it contains THC. To make the matter worse, even in situations when everything is clearly labeled, it may be hard to trace the exact origin, especially now when the market is overflowing with CBD products. Therefore, make sure to check the origins of the CBD oil and its THC level to make sure it’s legal.
What is hemp oil in terms of ingredients, laws, and regulations, and from a medical stance, should have been answered by now. Don’t forget hemp oil goes by several names: hemp seed oil, CBD oil, and hemp CBD oil, all referring to (almost) THC-free hemp-derived CBD oil. Its advantages for our health abound, whereas the downsides are apparently negligible. Unfortunately, a vast number of people confuses CBD oil from hemp and cannabis CBD oil (high in THC). To this end, be extra careful when going shopping as the controls are not equally reliable in the whole country.
What is hemp seed oil?
As its name suggests, hemp seed oil is extracted from hemp seeds. It contains no CBD or THC for that reason (they are extracted from the buds). It’s extremely healthy, but in a somewhat different manner from CBD oil. It abounds Omega-3 fatty acids and you can use it in pretty much the same way as you would use olive oil — mostly for cooking.
What is full-spectrum hemp oil?
Full-spectrum hemp or CBD oil is defined as the purest form of oil in a sense that it is derived from the whole hemp plant, thus having an abundance of hemp cannabinoids, terpenes, fatty acids, fiber, chlorophyll, and other substances native to the species. Is full-spectrum hemp oil better than some other kinds? There really is no uniform answer to this. Once again, it all depends on the preferences of your body.
What is nano-enhanced hemp oil?
As its name suggests, this hemp oil has been altered by using nanotechnology. Regardless of the breakthrough operation, it does not necessarily mean this oil is better for you, but it without a doubt “works” faster. What is done here is using special filtering to get the purest form of hemp CBD, which is then treated with nano oil particles so as to speed up its absorption in our bodies.
What is hemp CBD isolate?
As opposed to hemp oil, hemp CBD isolate comes in the form of crystalline powder as pure CBD. Still, it is also very much sold in oil form since the isolate is mixed with different carrier oils and terpenes to get a specific desired effect.
What hemp oil benefits for skin are most important?
Besides the fact that hemp/CBD oil-infused face creams are nutritious and anti-aging, and suitable for all skin types, hemp oil has shown itself as a great asset in dealing with psoriasis, acne, sensitive and eczema-prone skin.
Is hemp oil as good as CBD oil?
In case this question refers to hemp seed oil vs hemp-derived CBD oil, the answer depends on what you wish to achieve. Do you need some vitamins, protein, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, or does your body need some cannabinoids to do their magic? Let’s say both will boost your immune system, but if you wish to prevent seizures, relieve pain, or get rid of insomnia, then CBD is the right choice.
I never knew cannabis oil was indeed wonderful and very effective in the treatment of cancer “if not by the government and there so called rules to regulate cannabis my dad would still have been alive. Thanks to the new policy of legalizing cannabis in my state and have even lost my son kidney, and it was really shocked and surprised when I see a lot of documentary on how the cannabis oil had helped many people to whom His family thought they never could do next undergoing several “Chemo” from the department of my heart, and I have to say a word of appreciation to Mr Rick Simpson for timely intervention in the lives of my son suffering from kidney cancer. As I write this testimony in this blog my son is so strong and healthy even though he have not completed the total dosage.
Treatment Reginae:
I have a pretty big tolerance for marijuana, so my son started off with a full grain of rice sized amount of oil instead of a half grain. I gradually increased the dosage every night until he reached a full gram each night. The standard protocol for Mr Rick Simpson Oil is ingesting a total of 60 grams over the course of 2-3 months, but I had 70 grams in total for safe measure. I used the excess as a topical skin care treatment, attacking the visible brown spots on his face and neck.
3 months later, my son cancer was in full remission. Within 4 months, my son was free from cancer- and officially received a clean bill of health from our doctors. What they don’t know is that the majority of my treatment was using by Mr Rick Simpson Oil. I did use some of the medication they prescribed, but it was in combination with the oil.
I am elated I want to continue sharing with people who are experiencing what my son went through that there is absolutely hope and a cure out there. They just need to be proactive and aggressive with treatment, don,t wait until it is too late.
In addition to being an effective cancer fighter, there are some nice side effects that come from using the mr Rick Simpson oil, for instance, I no longer need to take any pain killers. Just one or two drops of the oil will ease the pain and help you sleep like a baby. Best of all, its natural . . . Thanks to all the staff at Mr Rick Garden who guided me throughout this journey. You guys are awesome!
My Best Regards to Rick Simpson.