How Working Out High Impacts Your Sets, Reps & Gains

Working Out High

If cannabis is so much praised for its health benefits and makes everything better, does that mean working out high will help us grow bigger muscles and run faster? Or will it make us lose our focus and drop the weights, i.e., fall off the treadmill? 

To see if using cannabis can work out for you (pun intended), we’ll first take a look at what forms there are and how sportspeople and the common folk have been using it. 

Let’s see if working out while high has more benefits than disadvantages, and in which sports exactly it (eventually) pays off to be as high as a kite.

Smoking Weed Before Working Out

Is it safe to consume cannabis before working out? Not only is it safe, but it also comes with many benefits:

  • It eases muscle tension. Since it’s a natural vasodilator, cannabis causes more blood flow and enlarges the veins, which results in muscle relaxation. 

In addition to that, vasodilation can decrease blood pressure. Meaning you won’t feel discomfort while working out.

  • It diminishes anxiety. A 2019 study confirms that cannabidiol helps reduce anxiety and sleeping problems, so it’s easier to achieve workout high.
  • It helps in reducing stress and pain. As you know, acute muscle soreness is the main cause of muscle pain after a workout. It’s caused by lactic acid build-up, and you’ve probably had the misfortune to feel it. 

Here’s where cannabis makes its magic—it dilates veins, so there’s no stoppage of blood supply, hence preventing our muscles from getting sore or injured. 

  • It can enhance our central nervous system by helping the brain produce endorphins, the “feel-good hormones.” 

Of course, as marijuana and its products are still not FDA approved, remember it can have different (side) effects on individuals, and consulting with a physician is recommended.

Truth About Running While High

Ah, the famous runner’s high! You’ve heard of it, probably even felt it, but why does it happen? And will you get even better effects with the intoxicating benefits of weed?

Why We Run

Scientists say that we get to a happy place during our runs thanks to our ancestors. 

Namely, a long time ago, we used to run to catch our dinner or to get away from danger. In both cases, the faster we ran, the better we felt. 

Normally, in order for the feeling of bliss to overwhelm us and make us forget the effort, we have to run at an ideal pace — not too strenuous, but not too easy either.

Pro Runners Support Smoking Weed and Running  

Running high on pot is similar to the regular “runner’s high,” as reported by professional athletes. 

A number of serious, outstanding runners such as Avery Collins, Jenn Shelton, and Clifford Drusinsky agree that taking marijuana helps them achieve that high faster; even intensify it. 

Some say marijuana provides them with a truly profound experience, elevating their performance to a whole new level. That is quite impressive, knowing it comes from professional runners. 

Weed runners praise the plant for new sensations, vibrations, and even indulging in music more.

Scientific Facts About Weed and Running 

Can science prove the positive impacts, or is weed for running just word-of-mouth marketing? Yes, it can!

There are two ways of achieving exercise high:

  • Endorphins are produced during a good run. They’re the compounds responsible for making us feel happy and satisfied with ourselves. 

German scientists were finally able to confirm the endorphin-producing location. How? They found that the prefrontal and limbic regions of our brains exude endorphins during a run that is challenging enough.

  • Smoking weed before running gives us extra cannabinoids

An endocannabinoid called anandamide, aka the “bliss” molecule, was found in the blood of runners and cyclists after a session. It is said to be similar to THC in the way it affects us and binds to the ECS receptors. 

In a nutshell, exercise activates our endocannabinoid system in a somewhat similar way to marijuana. 

For these reasons, it is argued that smoking weed and running seem pretty much the same to the brain, which confirms the athlete’s stories about running and cannabis.

When it comes to famous athletes and smoking weed, a star sprinter, Sha’Carri Richardson, got a one-month suspension from the Olympics due to testing positive for cannabis

This practically means that she won’t participate in the 100-meter race at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics.  

Running While High, or  Getting High Later?

Running needn’t be all about getting high before the race. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory effects, marijuana is more than helpful in the recovery process. 

According to a survey done on cannabis users in legalized states who work out regularly and use cannabis before and after workouts, they exercised 43 minutes longer than the non-users.

Thus, weed can be good for achieving motivation, running for longer, and speeding up the recovery process.

Is Lifting While High Dangerous

Any serious weightlifter remembers when Arnold Swartzeneger lit that joint in the 1977 documentary, Pumping Iron

Well, he isn’t the only famous athlete who “trained with Mary Jane.” We also have Paul Roney, Michael Phelps, Ross Rebagliati, and LeBron James, who admitted to smoking weed after their workout. 

So, should you do it too? Well, not before your gym session!

Regarding anecdotal evidence, some claim that marijuana helps them focus on their sets. However, others point out that working out high on weed is acceptable only if you’re doing simple sets, as opposed to deadlifts, for example. 

Perhaps the best summary comes in an example of a bodybuilder who admitted having completely forgotten to work out after smoking a joint!

To this end, weight lifting while high is not what we would advise you to do. 

Steer clear of lifting weights while you’ve got high levels of THC in your bloodstream and while feeling stoned. Weight lifting exercises can be extremely complex, requiring you to use loads of different muscles and demanding complete CNS activity. 

Even a simple squat is demanding enough. Therefore, if you wish to remain healthy (or even alive), avoid working out high in the case of lifting. The higher the weight, the more susceptible you become to injury.

There hasn’t been a scientific study targeting weight lifters or one that monitors the performance output of serious weight lifting sessions. Probably due to potential dangers.

Conversely, getting high after the session is something entirely different. It’s becoming increasingly popular as it boosts your appetite — helping you eat all those extra calories — relieves pain, fatigue, and fights inflammation.

Working Out Stoned and Bodybuilding

Is cannabis safe for bodybuilders? We can’t give you a straight answer, given that there are not many studies on cannabis and its influence on bodybuilders. 

However, there are a couple of things you should know:

  • One 2020 study shows that THC can increase testosterone. However, it seems that an increase in testosterone declines with the increase in THC use.  
  • As mentioned before, cannabis can increase your appetite, which is good news for bodybuilders. Nevertheless, be mindful. Chronic cannabis use could potentially lead to loss of appetite.
  • Avoid getting high and working out if you want to enter a bodybuilding competition. Cannabis is on WADA’s Prohibited List (except for Cannabidiol). 

Moreover, the WNBF (World Natural Bodybuilding Federation) has strict drug testing policies and more than 8,000 urine test results on file. 

  • Cannabis can have negative impacts on performance. It can lower your concentration and stamina and decrease the reaction time. So it’s better not to take it before working out. 

Pros and Cons of Working Out High 

Overall, how does weed fare when it comes to performance, motivation, muscle building, and recovery? Scientific opinions are mixed, to say the least.

Motivation & Performance Results

As mentioned above, according to a couple of studies from the 80s, smoking marijuana with a distinctive level of THC results in more or less reduced performance. 

The peak work capacity was lower in groups that used cannabis. In some, grip strength remained the same, whereas a finger ergograph test demonstrated weakness in others.

Likewise, a more recent report by Jordan Tishler, MD, a Harvard graduate, argues that smoking weed before a workout does not reap benefits with complex and unpredictable exercises. A 2017 study focusing solely on THC did not find it performance-enhancing. 

In contrast, a more recent French study has shown that THC is an excellent motivator as it triggers pregnenolone production, giving us more endurance and energy.

Similarly, in one experiment, mice that had their CB1 cannabinoid receptors blocked were 80% less inclined to go for a run when provoked than the regular members of the species.

Mark Ware, a professor at Canada’s McGill University, explains that cannabis helps marathon runners “stay in the zone” while at the same time making the run more enjoyable. 

Therefore, cannabis and exercise motivation go hand in hand. If you’re feeling sluggish and not in the mood for exercise, boosting your ECS with some endocannabinoids should do the trick.  

Can Working Out While High Help with the Gains?

Cannabis and gains summary goes like this:

  • By diminishing painful sensations, cannabis should help us go the extra mile and train harder, thus building more muscles. Ex-NFL offensive lineman Eben Britton suggests marijuana helps him perform better sets.
  • Testosterone is an important hormone for muscle growth. Still, opinions differ on how cannabis and testosterone are connected, i.e., when/if it affects the hormone levels.
  • Your focus may be distorted, which surely has a detrimental effect on the set.

Smoking Weed After Working Out: Yes or No?

Weed aids the healing process. Marijuana reduces the effects of DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), i.e., it prevents muscle damage and helps you get back to the gym sooner and gain more muscle.

Here are some of the main benefits of CBD and THC:

  • Easing the pain during and after workouts
  • They have anti-oxidative properties
  • Lowering inflammation
  • They can reduce the “stress hormone,” cortisol
  • They enhance sleep
  • They speed up muscle recovery

So forget about the “lazy stoner” stereotype. Studies have shown that marijuana users exercise as much as non-users, if not more.

Will Working Out High Work for You?

What we are dealing with here implies getting THC intoxicated. That said, marijuana and exercise go hand in hand regarding the advantages of its most popular cannabinoid — CBD

Cannabidiol is excellent both for the performance and the recovery process, but this time, it’s THC that takes precedence.

To get high, you have to allow your body a suitable amount of THC. By federal law, anything above 0.3% THC is considered marijuana, yet personal thresholds usually need a slightly higher percentage than 0.3%.

So, if exercising or going to the gym high is your goal, the following factors matter.

Frequency of Getting Stoned

Is this your first time trying pot, or do you have some experience under your belt? When was the last time you consumed marijuana? Is smoking weed your job? Were you exposed to second-hand smoke? How often do you use weed — daily, weekly, or once a month? 

Why do we ask? Because all of these factors matter. You may be under the impression that THC detox did the trick, but being in the company of a pot smoker can make you high too and store that THC neatly in your fat tissue. 

As a result, your exercise euphoria could be caused by “leftover” THC, which gets released from fat cells during exercise.

Your Body

Speaking of fat tissue and body mass, you are probably very much aware (or even self-conscious) of it if you’re a regular gym rat.  

At the moment, there are no conclusive dosage recommendations, but the overall impact of weed depends on:

  • overall health;
  • tiredness;
  • ECS (endocannabinoid system);
  • weight.

Until cannabis is legalized or more research is approved, there are no strict guidelines, so monitor yourself closely to get the idea of how much is enough. 

Working Out High & Bioavailability

If you’re keen on doing reps while high, will you smoke, eat, vape, or use THC oil sublingually? 

  • Vapinga vaporizer should get you more THC than smoking cannabis. It’s extremely fast and efficient, just make sure you only buy top-quality products (no glycerine or Vitamin E involved).
  • Sublingual method — fairly easy to dose. THC enters the bloodstream and starts to “work” within a couple of minutes. However, be careful not to swallow the marijuana oil right away.
  • Eating or drinking — this is the least recommended method. Smoking after working out is a much better option. Since the onset time is somewhere between 20 minutes and two hours, it’s really hard to say when you’re going to feel the hit after you’ve had a yummy edible. 
  • Smoking — during the process, some 60% to 63% of THC is lost, primarily due to the burning process (in comparison, a vaporizer loses 46%). 

Smoking weed and working out is extremely popular. There are even yoga classes that include taking a puff before sun salutes. Effects: usually within a few minutes.

  • Topicals — utterly inefficient for the purpose. Creams and lotions provide local relief, and a person will hardly get euphoric from rubbing in a marijuana cream.

Finally, don’t get these instructions confused with how long marijuana stays in your system. That’s a whole different story.

Final Tips on Working Out High  

On the one hand, taking CBD and THC in some form should make long runs more enjoyable and provide more energy and enthusiasm. Moderation is key, so don’t think you can have a powerful strain like Gorilla Glue without consequences. 

On the other, though, working out high can be extremely dangerous for different types of fitness. Complex exercises involving many muscle groups that require your utmost attention should not be performed under the influence. 

Remember, your brain is pretty active even during a simple, low-weight Romanian deadlift. 

To sum up, take great care! If unsure, you can always opt for getting high afterward and still get to enjoy those sweet gains.


Why do I feel high after working out?

You feel high after a set because you managed to strike the right balance between your efforts and your level of fitness. 

For endorphins and anandamide to be produced, you have to balance stress levels with your stamina. 

Endorphins are released as a response to such stress or pain, and they make us feel happy. 

Anandamide is also produced while we work out. The “bliss molecule” acts similarly to THC as it binds to ECS receptors, decreasing the feelings of worry and increasing pleasant feelings.

What are the benefits of working out high?

Gym rats praise cannabis for several reasons. First of all, it can help reduce the pain during and after exercising. 

Secondly, cannabis has anti-oxidative properties. It can lower inflammation and cortisol while speeding up muscle recovery. Additionally, it relieves tension and enhances sleep.

Weed runners are also keen on cannabis because it helps them keep the required rhythm and remain interested even in long, exhausting marathon runs. 

Furthermore, those who enjoy listening to music find that marijuana enhances the whole listening experience and makes them more in sync.

Is smoking after a workout bad?

Be it cannabis or tobacco, smoking immediately post-workout is a definite no-no. The first thing you ought to do after a strenuous exercise is to provide your body with enough oxygen and simply calm down. 

This won’t be achieved if you light a joint or a cigarette. 

Moreover, smoking marijuana will probably increase your heart rate when, in fact, you want the exact opposite of that.

Smoking cannabis can also be used as a recovery treatment, but only after you’re completely done with the whole exercising process. In short, there’s no rush.

Does working out high burn more calories?

Theoretically speaking, yes. If cannabis is proven to be beneficial to your insulin levels and how your body processes sugar, then it should better your overall metabolism.

As a matter of fact, scientists are more focused on the alternate uses of marijuana which help us lose fat. 

Also, using marijuana for sleep helps reduce stress and cortisol levels. High levels of the latter are responsible for fat stores and excess fat moving through our bodies, which may eventually lead to obesity.

Do you get more high after working out or not?

Apparently, you do!

A recent Australian study mentions an experiment in which THC levels were measured before and after spending 35 minutes on a stationary bike. The participants’ THC levels were higher by 15% after the exercise!

The extra THC probably came from the fat cells. Basically, when you intake THC, one part of it remains in your body — safely stored in fat cells. This is how it is possible for THC to appear on a drug test even if you haven’t smoked in months!

Can you sweat out THC or is it just a myth?

When you’re trying to pass a test after using marijuana, exercise can help. We have explained what happens in the previous section — THC, which is neatly stored in fat cells, gets released into the blood during your exercise. 

Technically, most of the THC is excreted through urine (35%) and feces (65%). Sweating out THC releases only a small portion. Nevertheless, exercise does speed up the whole process of getting THC out of your fat cells.

Of course, exercising right before a drug test is far from recommendable unless you wish for higher THC levels to appear!

Does exercise make you higher?

Yes, proper exercise makes you higher! However, that doesn’t always have to do with marijuana or THC.

Provided that you balance your energy levels and the effort right, an exercise that is challenging yet not too demanding will help you reach that blissful state of satisfaction after or during a good workout. 

Exercise releases dopamine, endorphins, anandamide — the feel-good substances “guilty” of making you feel elated.

Is exercising while high good?

Exercising while high has its pros and cons. While cannabis offers many health benefits, not all individuals should experiment with it, especially weight lifters. As mentioned before, cannabis can help reduce pain and muscle tension. Still, at the same time, it might have negative impacts on performance. 

For example, it can decrease your concentration, your appetite, and your reaction time. To conclude, the safest way to satisfy your working out high curiosity is to do simple bodyweight sets of workouts or smoke weed after a workout when well-rested.

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